I am very proud to offer quality courses within my program. My "hands on" therapeutic techniques are offered no place else. Listed below are a few of my courses. Courses are 8 to 16 hours.
I am very proud to offer quality courses within my program. My "hands on" therapeutic techniques are offered no place else. Listed below are a few of my courses. Courses are 8 to 16 hours.
CLINICAL ADVANCED LOW BACK:Advanced massage techniques will be introduced which help relieve pain and discomfort of the low back. These techniques are the result of 15 years of clinical experience as Drs. Assistant in Rehab and Chiropractic facilities. This course explains how the lumbar spine functions, where in the tissues (muscle, connective etc.) pain can result, how improper movement or position of the spine can irritate these tissues and cause pain, and other related topics. Assessment is based on diagnosis of muscles used in improper movement or position and understanding the nature of specific muscles involved. Treatment of acute and recurrent low back pain and of chronic low back pain is discussed, with an explanation of why a particular treatment is helpful and what its purpose is. Self help therapy (cryotherapy, proper warm up/static stretching etc.) is learned. This will enable the massage therapist to provide self-help information to injured clients to help relieve pain/discomfort in between treatment sessions.
HEADACHE, SCALP, AND SINUS DRAIN:In this course we will learn massage strokes for headache related muscles such as: occipitalis, frontalis, temporalis, upper trapezius etc. The course explains how muscles can be responsible for the majority of headaches, termed ”Tension headaches”. Is it a headache, or a muscle in the head that aches?. We also learn strokes to efficiently relieve sinus congestion, and techniques to help relieve T.M.J. related muscles which can also cause headaches.
CLINICAL SHOULDER THERAPY:Advanced massage techniques will be taught for the muscles that cross the shoulder joint. Anatomical discussions of bursas, labrum, and supporting structures, will also be included. Factors of shoulder discomfort related to limited space within the acromium shelf are discussed as well as the muscles that are housed in this limited space. Inflammation of just one of these muscles can cause discomfort to remaining muscles. Students will learn how effects of joint interaction, including joints distant from the shoulder area, such as the sterno clavicular joint can play an important role in function/dysfunction of the shoulder.
Not a reflexology class!!! Advanced massage techniques will be taught for the muscles involved in toe, foot, and ankle movement. Anatomical structure is emphasized: muscles, bones, fascia, nerves etc. Study of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles will show how pain or discomfort in one part of the foot might originate in another anatomical part because of long tendons and muscles that are located distant from the anatomical part that is moving. We will learn how muscles, indeed, play a role in maintaining the proper location of small bones that support the arch. Anatomical structure of the plantar fascia is taught and how a condition called ”plantar fasciitis” can set in and what might be done to correct this common and painful problem.
CLINICAL FOREARM, WRIST, AND HAND Advanced massage techniques will be taught for the muscles involved in finger, hand, and wrist movement. Anatomical structure is emphasized: muscles, bones, nerves etc. Like the foot and ankle course, study of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles will show how pain or discomfort in one part of the hand or ankle might originate in another anatomical area, possibly as distant as the nerve root leaving the vertebra. Causes of carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome will be analyzed. Students will realized the importance of proper maintenance for their own forearm and hands to maintain a healthy structure for their professional massage career.
THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A KNEE!!!! However, there is a thing called a knee joint. The knee joint is located at the articulation of the femur, tibia, patella, and fibula. Advanced muscular massage techniques will be taught for the muscles involved in knee joint movement. Emphasis of anatomical structure in regards to muscles, bones, ligaments, cartilage, nerves etc. is essential to assessment and treatment objective. Of the many muscles that cross the knee joint, any one or a combination of several can cause knee discomfort. We will learn how to distinguish between a muscle strain or ligament sprain. As with the low back class, we will learn how some symptoms in the knee joint area might be a sciatic nerve problem.
The instruction of lymphatic drainage massage will enhance the immune system of the human body. It will include soft tissue manipulation to clear lymph vessels and lymph nodes of unwanted toxins. Included will be anatomy of the lymphatic system: lymph capillaries, vessel pathways, nodes, collector ducts and the interchange with the blood vascular system.
CLINICAL RESPIRATORY THERAPY Over 23 different muscles are involved to inhale and exhale. This is a hands on and muscular anatomy course. For weak muscles of respiration (asthma and related respiratory problems), techniques learned will allow muscles to receive stimulation to enhance blood flow and increase the quality of function. This course does not claim to cure respiratory problems, but it will allow respiration to function better, due to an enhanced quality of muscular activity.